An Giang University Campus Environmental Plan

An Giang University Campus Environmental Plan
Long Xuyen, An Giang province, Vietnam
At the request of the Rector of An Giang University, Line and Space reviewed the preliminary feasibility study and the master plan for a new 40 hectare campus designed by Architect Nguyen Van Sieu. Line and Space provided observations and opinions along with recommendations regarding the university’s location, the building site, the overall planning concept and environmental sustainability.
The new campus, “Campus Two”, is projected to serve 10,000 students, 30% of whom will reside within the University. Located within the hot-humid, southern part of Vietnam, near the Hau River in the city of Long Xuyen, An Giang University, serves the Mekong Delta (MK). The Mekong Delta is a 12 province region, with 20% of the country’s population. There is only one other University within this area. Campus Two will be constructed according to a 10-year plan as resources become available. The University is pursuing its mission of raising the standard of living, hence quality of life, of the peoples of the MK.