Tianqin Bay Masterplan

Tianqin Bay Masterplan
Shenzhen, China
Strong respect for the environment implies that the site and its surroundings play a prominent role in one’s experience of the Tianqin Bay project. Therefore, we have developed this master plan to focus on maintaining and enhancing the natural beauty and feeling of the landscape. Although there is an inherent contradiction between the wish to achieve a certain density of large, luxury villas with associated site amenities and the goal of keeping the site as natural as possible, our proposed solutions have addressed this challenge.
We began by spending more than week observing conditions and context of the site including initial observations of apparent conditions such as climate, views, vegetation, hydrology/drainage, existing development, utilities, circulation and noise. The many interesting views such as the Hong Kong islands and shipping lane to the south, open sea to the southeast and distant peninsulas to the east are considered the primary site force influencing the schematic design of the Prototype Villas. Existing buildings on site include nine villas in various stages of construction, six of which are already sold and three that will be completed and sold at a later date. Eight existing structures, also in various stages of construction, will be removed and replaced with prototype villas.